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Control your asthma and prevent attacks

Bronchial asthma affects 5% of the adult population and almost 10% of children. And these numbers are steadily growing. Most often, the basis of this disease is a genetic predisposition. The risk of asthma is three times higher if one of the parents suffers from this disease. And six times higher – if both parents have asthma. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure the disease but in most patients, asthma can be effectively controlled.

control your asthma and prevent attacks

Use medications!

Inhaled glucocorticosteroids and drugs that expand the bronchi stabilize the activity of immune cells and block the formation and secretion of substances that lead to the development of bronchospasm. Treatment begins with medium and high doses, and when an improvement is achieved, the dose can be reduced, but medications cannot be withdrawn completely.

Sometimes, asthma medication causes undesirable side effects: thrush of the oral mucosa, irritating cough, hoarseness. However, these problems can be prevented by gargling with a weak soda solution or just warm water after each inhalation.

Basic anti-inflammatory therapy will relieve individual symptoms, allow you to control the disease and avoid severe exacerbations, hospitalization and use of systemic hormones. These medicines should be taken daily to prevent symptoms and asthma attacks. Their effect is observed only after a few days or weeks of constant use, so they are used daily and for a long time, even during periods of well-being.

Find out what factors worsen your condition!

When you inhale particles that contribute to an asthma attack, your airways — tubes in your lungs that circulate air — can become compacted and become clogged with mucus. You may begin to cough, wheeze and try to catch your breath. Talk to your doctor about testing to find out which factors contribute to asthma attacks. Once you get this information, you can make some changes at home that will help improve your condition.

  • Limit your time with your pets. Having a dog or cat in your home can trigger your asthma. Try not to allow the animal into your bedroom. Controlling the level of allergy pathogens in the room where you sleep can make a big difference;
  • Linens. If the causative agent of asthma attacks are dust mites, it is necessary to use protective coatings on the mattress, spring unit, and pillows. This helps keep dust mites out during the night;
  • Keep your house cool and dry: dust mites and mildew do not reproduce well in these conditions.

The following measures will help you keep your house dry:

  1. When you take a bath or shower, turn on the fan in the bathroom;
  2. Use an exhaust fan in the kitchen when cooking or using a dishwasher;
  3. Fix the leaking pipes and seal the gaps in the windows.

How to control asthma in winter?

Colds and flu are most common in winter and can lead to asthma outbreaks. However, thanks to the following measures, you can reduce the risks to your family regarding these diseases.

  1. Wash your hands. This helps to prevent viruses from entering your body when you touch your eyes, mouth or nose;
  2. Stay away from people who are sick. If a colleague or friend has a cold or flu, stay away from him/her;
  3. Get a flu shot. Experts believe that most people get a flu shot every year. This helps to avoid this disease;
    Cover your face: wind the scarf over your nose or mouth, or put on a mask covering the lower part of the face;
  4. Exercise indoors. Work out in the gym or at home, or take a long walk at the mall.