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Which Asthma Inhalers to Buy?

This question will be difficult to answer. The answer will vary in each case. The inhaler is selected individually with the doctor’s participation. But if you answer the question which inhaler is better in general, it should be a device that quickly and effectively relieves suffocation, has no side effects and is simple to use, even for children. Usually,

patients with asthma try several different devices throughout their lives in order to decide which inhaler is better. The most common among asthmatics are Symbicort and Salbutamol, the first belongs to the powder and strictly dosed. The second is suitable for children and adults, it relieves attacks quickly and practically without side effects.Which Inhaler to Buy_

What do you need to know?

The first analogs of the inhaler appeared at the end of the XIX century. Today there are many models and variations of this device. Each type has its undoubted advantages and disadvantages. Only a doctor can tell which inhaler is better in each case, based on the characteristics of the course of the disease. All types of inhalers are produced to quickly deliver the drug to the bronchi to remove or significantly alleviate the attack, normalizing respiratory function. All inhalers form a fine cloud of the drug that reaches even the small bronchi. Today, it is the best option for first aid in attacks.

Pocket inhaler

Among asthmatics, a pocket inhaler is the most common. It is of two types – powder or liquid. The first type of pocket inhaler has a dispenser and allows you to accurately enter the necessary dose of drugs. Such devices are very easy to use but expensive. A liquid pocket inhaler is cheaper, it is more common and popular among patients.

However, such a device has a drawback: it will be effective only in those cases when the patient takes a breath at the same time, and at the same time the drug is ejected from the canister. At home, stationary devices can also be used, but as emergency aid, they are not always convenient. Usually, they are used for preventive treatment and a pocket inhaler – for emergency care. He is already refilled with the right drug in certain dosages and is ready to perform immediately.

The doctor will help you to choose the right inhaler, but when you buy it consider the ease of its use. Therefore, a pocket inhaler will be the most advantageous among all. But you still need to learn how to use it correctly. A significant role is played by the cost of the drug, asthmatics will have to buy a pocket asthma inhaler often, as the medicine is actively consumed.

List of asthma inhalers

The composition of inhalers from different manufacturers is special drugs that allow to stop an asthma attack, as well as used for long-term treatment of this disease. The list of drugs is constantly changing, some of them are discontinued and replaced by new, more advanced drugs that have less noticeable side effects. Inhalers and medicines are not produced separately and the contents of the inhaler cannot be replaced on their own. Therefore, buying an inhaler, you should also focus on the names of active medicinal substances.

Drugs used for bronchial asthma, of which there are many, are divided into specific groups:

  • Decongestants and anti-inflammatory drugs produced to ease the breathing of a person suffering from asthma.
  • Bronchodilator drugs, the action of which is aimed at widening the bronchial lumen, as a result of which the symptoms of suffocation are relieved.

Hormonal drugs

Well-proven so-called hormonal inhalers, which include, in particular, Salbutamol, Symbicort, which most effectively and very quickly relieve asthmatic symptoms both in adults and children. In such inhalers, glucocorticosteroids with a wide range of effects are used, which actively treat inflammation, relieve swelling of the mucous membranes under the action of the hormone adrenaline.

Steroid drugs act on the respiratory system without penetrating the bloodstream and without disturbing the internal metabolic processes, so their side effect is minimal.

Glucocorticoid drugs, which enhance the action of adrenaline and help relieve lung edema, have an expressed potent anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the presence of hormones in the composition, the drugs have side effects, which limits the use of these drugs for long-term asthma treatment. Currently being developed drugs of the newest generation, whose action is limited only in the field of bronchi, therefore, the side effects are minimized.

Relief of choking

By bronchodilators, stopping asthmatic symptom include:

  • sympathomimetics (the most famous inhalers’ brands: Salbutamol, Ventolin, Flovent). These drugs have a stimulating function, expanding the bronchial lumen. Today, the treatment of bronchial asthma is carried out with the use of also adrenergic agonists. These drugs can almost immediately stop the attack and very quickly excreted from the body.
  • M-cholinergic blockers (Atrovent) are drugs aimed at relaxing bronchial tissue, characterized by low absorbability in the stomach.
  • methylxanthine preparations (Theophylline) block certain types of enzymes (histamines), relaxing the bronchial muscles, thereby suppressing coughing episodes.